Thursday, July 21, 2016

How to Reduce Tummy Fat - Get a Flat Belly Fast

If you have ever gone through a weight loss program to reduce tummy fat, you will know how difficult it is to get rid of belly fat. Despite diet and stomach exercises, your belly is the last part of your body to respond to burn off excess fat. Most times, you get frustrated in your attempts to reduce your big belly. Some people even believe that starving themselves will help them to lose belly fat. This is far from the truth. This is how to reduce tummy fat in a healthy way.

Tummy Fat

To reduce tummy fat, you have to change some habits and reconsider the type of food you eat, as well as incorporate cardio exercises and a body toning program into your lifestyle. Drinking excess alcohol can make you to gain belly fat. These factors weigh heavily on how much belly fat you carry around.

There are many people who believe that you can lose belly fat through belly exercises alone. This belief has been further encouraged by scam adverts on television. However, exercise to reduce tummy fat alone will not do the trick, even if you perform your abs exercises once day, seven days a week.

The most important key to reduce tummy fat is to rethink the way you eat. Proper nutrition will mean cutting down on your carbohydrates and saturated fat intake, and reducing the number of calories from the food you eat. Fat thrives on the late night food snacks, as well as in the sugar-laden carbonated drinks you gulp down. Practice the golden rule of not eating 3 hours before bedtime. Drink more water, at least 8 glasses daily and best of all never skip your breakfast.

In additional, focus on providing your body only with the calories it needs based on your body weight, then burn off whatever excess calories you carry around as belly bulge through belly exercises. If you are wondering what type of exercise to help you lose stubborn belly fat, apart from the usual cardio and muscle toning exercises that you can do, there is one exercise to reduce fat that has been found effective.

It incorporates some visualization and it is called the Vacuum Pose. It involves sucking in your lower belly while visualizing your navel being pulled closer to your lower back. Maintain this pose for 15 to 60 seconds and repeat for 5 minutes each day. There are people who have reported that they lost an average of 1 % inches off their waistlines within a month.

Reducing stubborn tummy fat will take willpower and determination, so you will need to be consistent even if it seems your efforts are not working. Consistency, proper nutrition, and regular exercise will help you to lose stubborn belly fat in the long haul.

Tip of the Today!
To quickly reduce stubborn tummy fat, ensure you start a detox program for about 7 days. This will help clear off every toxin in your stomach fat cells.

Do not be deceived. The only proven way to reduce tummy fat effectively is: to reduce your calorie intake by eating smaller amounts of food, or stick to foods that have fewer calories and burn fat by engaging in more physical activity every day. This way you will get a flat belly fast and safely.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Eating Disorders Bulimia and Anorexia

Eating Disorders. Bulimia and Anorexia According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are two types of eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia. Each are different, and each can lead to death, if left untreated. If you, or somebody you know, suffers from either, I urge you to get help. Some famous people have suffered from eating disorders, and having an eating disorder does not mean you are crazy, but it does mean you need help. Princess Di, suffered from bulemia, and Mary Carpenter suffered from anorexia, and eventually died from this disorder. Again, if you suffer from an eating disorder, get yourself help.


Bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, and then forced regurgitation, to avoid weight gain. Bulimia isn't just going to a buffet, gorging food, and then throwing up, because you ate too much food. Bulimia is binging on huge quantities of food at least twice per week, and then throwing up, to prevent weight gain.

Characteristics of bulimia include: Fear of fatness Pursuit of weight loss Fear of loss of control of eating Perceptual distortion of body size Low self esteem Anorexia is characterized by fear of gaining weight, and an intense preoccupation with weight gain or becoming fat. The person suffering from anorexia has a disturbance in perception of their own body weight, and pursuit of weight loss, and fear of loss of control of eating.

20% of people who suffer from anorexia will die from this disorder. Characteristics of anorexia include: Fear of weight gain Pursuit of weight loss Disturbance of perception of body weight Restrictive diets ranging from 500-800 calories a day People who suffer from eating disorders have depression and anger. Unfortunately, the anger is frequently dismissed, or ignored, and often left untreated, however it must be treated to treat this eating disorder.

One of the most effective methods of treating, and talking about the anger is in a group setting, as group provides a setting in which it is difficult to manipulate the group. The level of treatment for eating disorders is complex and beyond the scope of this article, but the levels of treatment range from self help and support groups, to low intensity outpatient treatment, to intensive treatment, to partial hospitalization programs to residential treatment, to hospitalization. The goals of treating eating disorders are:

1. Interrupt the binge/purge cycle
2. Normalize eating patterns
3. Increase self esteem
4. Positive cognitive restructuring
5. Promote self responsibility
6. Promote flexibility
7. Stabilize chaotic thought patterns
8. Repair physical damage
9. Explore leisure activities
10. Begin to develop healthy relationships
11. Begin to repair healthy relationships
12. Educate about recovery and relapse tools Treating bulimia and anorexia is complex, and multifaceted process. It requires work, time and commitment. If you suffer from an eating disorder, get help. It can change your life. It can save your life.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan - Does It Work?

People that are trying to become healthier and eat better can tend to forget that exercising isn't the only thing that needs to be done to achieve this. You also need to make sure that you eat right and are careful about the ingredients you are consuming. A good way to cut down on calories and make sure that you can still eat well is to try using healthy soup recipes.

Cabbage Soup Diet

One food that you should try to use in your healthy soups is cabbage. Cabbage can help you lose weight and help boost your immune system. The first thing you need is a decent healthy cabbage soup recipe, which can be found in a cook book or on a website. Try to find one that uses cabbage as its main ingredient, as this will help you in a number of ways, explained below:

Soups that contain cabbage will help to boost the immune system as well as helping you to lose weight, but these are not the only benefits that come from it. Cabbage is extremely good for digestion, meaning your body will process food more efficiently once cabbage is consumed regularly. It is hard to gauge the health of your digestive tract, but after the introduction of higher amounts of cabbage to the daily diet, the positive effects are usually very noticeable. This is due to cabbage being high in dietary fibre. It also contains high amounts of vitamin E, meaning it is very good for the skin.

An increased metabolism is another benefit from finding healthy soup recipes and making sure that they use cabbage. If you can increase your metabolism then you will have more energy and can do more in a day, and that includes exercising. By eating small meals regularly, you will force you body's metabolism to quicken. Aim to eat a small meal or healthy snack every 2 to 3 hours. Cabbage soup and other healthy soup recipes are perfect for this, as they are low in calories and carbohydrates, but extremely healthy.

In conclusion, cabbage and cabbage soup can help improve ones health in many ways. If you have a problem in your diet, there is a chance that cabbage can help to regulate the problem. This is through a reduction in calories, as well as the beneficial properties of cabbage and other vegetables which may be included in the recipe you use. When creating your healthy cabbage soup, remember to follow the good diet fundamentals; don't include too much salt, avoid too many starchy carbs, and try to keep your portion sizes small. The great thing about the low calorie content of cabbage soup is that you can afford to have slightly larger portion sizes, ensuring you are full after your meals.

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